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Characterization of H-box region mutants of WalK inert to the action of waldiomycin in Bacillus subtitles.

Kato A, Ueda S, Oshima T, Inukai Y, Okajima T, Igarashi M, Eguchi  Y, and Utsumi R

J Gen Appl Microbiol. 63(4) 212-221 2017年


Fe3+-dependent epistasis between the CpxR-activated loci and the PmrA-activated LPS modification loci in Salmonella enteric.

Kato A, Higashino N, and Utsumi R.

J Gen Appl Microbiol. 62(6) 286-296 2017年1月


In vivo cloning of large chromosomal segments into a BAC derivative by generalized transduction and recombineering in Salmonella enterica.

Kato A.

J Gen Appl Microbiol. 62(5) 225-232 2016年11月


Identification of the three genes involved in controlling production of a phytotoxin tropolone in Burkholderia plantarii.

Miwa S, Kihira E, Yoshioka A, Nakasone K, Okamoto S, Hatano M, Igarashi M, Eguchi Y, Kato A,  Ichikawa N, Sekine M, Fujita N, Kanesaki Y, Yoshikawa H, Utsumi R.

J Bacteriol. 198(11) 1604-1609 2016年5月


A connecter-like factor, CacA, links RssB/RpoS and the CpxR/CpxA two-component system in Salmonella.

Kato A, Hayashi H, Nomura W, Emori H, Hagihara K, Utsumi R.

BMC Microbiol. 12 224 2012年10月


Reciprocal Control between a Bacterium’s Regulatory System and the Modification Status of Its Lipopolysaccharide.

Kato A, Chen HD, Latifi T, Groisman EA.

Mol Cell. 47(6) 897-908 2012年9月


Intrinsic negative feedback governs activation surge in two-component regulatory systems.

Yeo WS, Zwir I, Huang HV, Shin D, Kato A, Groisman EA.

Mol Cell. 45 409-421 2012年2月


The PhoQ/PhoP regulatory network of Salmonella enterica.

Kato A, Groisman EA, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Advances in experimental medicine and biology 631 7-21 2008年


A connector of two-component regulatory systems promotes signal amplification and persistence of expression.

Kato A, Mitrophanov AV, Groisman EA. 

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.  104(29) 12063-12068 2007年


B1500, a small membrane protein, connecting EvgA/EvgS and PhoP/PhoQ two-component systems of Eschericia coli.

Eguchi Y, Itou J, Yamane M, Demizu R, Yamato F, Okada A, Mori H, Kato A, Utsumi R.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 104(47) 18712-18717 2007年


Dissecting the PhoP regulatory network of Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica.

Zwir I, Shin D, Kato A, Nishino K, Latifi T, Solomon F. Hare JM, Huang H, Groisman EA.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 102(8) 2862-2867 2005年


Connecting two-component regulatory systems by a protein that protects a response regulator from dephosphorylation by its cognate sensor.

Kato A, Groisman EA.

Genes Dev. 18(18) 2302-2313 2004年


Closing the loop: The PmrA/PmrB two-component system negatively controls expression of its posttranscriptional activator PmrD.

Kato A, Latifi T, Groisman EA.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 100(8) 4706-4711 2003年


Identification and molecular characterization of the Mg2+ stimulon of Escherichia coli.

Minagawa S, Ogasawara H, Kato A, Yamamoto K, Eguchi Y, Oshima T, Mori H, Ishihama A, Utsumi R.

J Bacteriol. 185(13) 3696-3702 2003年


Transcription of emrKY is regulated by the EvgA-EvgS two-component system in Escherichia coli K-12.

Kato A, Ohnishi H, Yamamoto K, Furuta E, Tanabe H, Utsumi R.

Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 64(6) 1203-1209 2000年


Molecular characterization of the PhoP-PhoQ two-component system in Escherichia coli K-12: Identification of extracellular Mg2+-responsive promoters.

Kato A, Tanabe H, Utsumi R.

J Bacteriol. 181(17) 5516-5520 1999年


Identification of the promoter region and the transcriptional regulatory sequence of the evgAS operon of Escherichia coli.

Tanabe H, Yamasaki K, Katoh A, Yoshioka S, Utsumi R

Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 62(2) 286-290 1998年


Molecular interaction between proteins involved in EvgAS signal transduction of Escherichia coli.

Tanabe H, Masuda T, Yamasaki K, Katoh A, Yoshioka S, Utsumi R

Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 62(1) 78-82 1998年


Growth phase-dependent transcription of emrKY, a homolog of multidrug efflux emrAB genes of Escherichia coli, is induced by tetracycline.

Tanabe H, Yamasak K, Furue M, Yamamoto K, Katoh A, Yamamoto M, Yoshioka S, Tagami H, Aiba HA, Utsumi R

J Gen Appl Microbiol. 43(5) 257-263 1997年


Isolation and characterization of the heat-responsive genes in Escherichia coli.

Utsumi R, Horie T, Katoh A, Kaino Y, Tanabe H, Noda M

Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 60(2) 309-315 1996年


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